生物 ~吸血鬼/魔法師
飛行 每當陰影邪鬼對任一玩家造成戰鬥傷害時,該玩家從其手上放逐一張牌。於該牌持續放逐的時段內,你可以使用該牌。 犧牲一個人類:重生陰影邪鬼。
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Illustrated by Igor Kieryluk
· Forgotten Realms Commander (AFC)
Fiend of the Shadows
#99 · Rare · Traditional Chinese · Nonfoil
Legal Formats
Standard |
Pioneer |
Modern |
Legacy |
Vintage |
Commander |
Oathbreaker |
Alchemy |
Explorer |
Historic |
Timeless |
Brawl |
Pauper |
Penny |
Under Construction
2011-01-22 : As long as the card remains exiled, you may still play it, even if Fiend of the Shadows leaves the battlefield or changes controllers.
2011-01-22 : If this creature deals combat damage to multiple players simultaneously, perhaps because some combat damage was redirected, its ability will trigger for each of those players.
2011-01-22 : Playing a card exiled with Fiend of the Shadows follows all the normal rules for playing that card. You must pay its costs, and you must follow all timing restrictions, for example.
2011-01-22 : You may only play the card, meaning play it as a land or cast it as a spell. It's not in your hand. You can't discard it, activate its cycling abilities, and so on.
Under Construction