끝을 모르는 굶주림 울라목
전설적 생물 — 엘드라지
끝을 모르는 굶주림 울라목을 발동할 때, 지속물 두 개를 목표로 정한다. 그 지속물들을 추방한다.무적울라목이 공격할 때마다, 수비플레이어는 자신의 서고 맨 위의 카드 20장을 추방한다.
시간만큼이나 탐욕스럽고 강력한 존재.
10 / 10
Illustrated by Michael Komarck
· Battle for Zendikar (BFZ)
Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger
#15 · Mythic · Korean · Nonfoil/Foil
Legal Formats
Standard |
Pioneer |
Modern |
Legacy |
Vintage |
Commander |
Oathbreaker |
Alchemy |
Explorer |
Historic |
Timeless |
Brawl |
Pauper |
Penny |
Under Construction
2015-08-25 : Cards exiled by Ulamog’s first and third abilities are exiled face up.
2015-08-25 : If the player has less than twenty cards in their library, exile all of them. That player won’t lose the game until they have to draw a card from an empty library.
2015-08-25 : Ulamog’s first ability resolves independently of Ulamog once they’ve both been put on the stack. If Ulamog is countered, that triggered ability will still resolve. That triggered ability will always resolve before Ulamog does.
Under Construction