Tirano da Barragem
Criatura — Eldrazi
Desprovido (Este card não tem cor.), Sacrifique outra criatura incolor: Tirano da Barragem causa à criatura ou ao jogador alvo uma quantidade de dano igual ao poder da criatura sacrificada.
Fúria terrível. Mira excelente.
5 / 3
Illustrated by Chris Rallis
· Battle for Zendikar (BFZ)
Barrage Tyrant
#127 · Rare · Portuguese · Nonfoil/Foil
Legal Formats
Standard |
Pioneer |
Modern |
Legacy |
Vintage |
Commander |
Oathbreaker |
Alchemy |
Explorer |
Historic |
Timeless |
Brawl |
Pauper |
Penny |
Under Construction
2015-08-25 : A card with devoid is just colorless. It’s not colorless and the colors of mana in its mana cost.
2015-08-25 : Barrage Tyrant deals the damage, not the sacrificed creature. For example, if the sacrificed creature had lifelink, you won’t gain life.
2015-08-25 : Cards with devoid use frames that are variations of the transparent frame traditionally used for Eldrazi. The top part of the card features some color over a background based on the texture of the hedrons that once imprisoned the Eldrazi. This coloration is intended to aid deckbuilding and game play.
2015-08-25 : Devoid works in all zones, not just on the battlefield.
2015-08-25 : If a card loses devoid, it will still be colorless. This is because effects that change an object’s color (like the one created by devoid) are considered before the object loses devoid.
2015-08-25 : Other cards and abilities can give a card with devoid color. If that happens, it’s just the new color, not that color and colorless.
Under Construction