Пожиратель из Бездны
Существо — Эльдрази Дрон
Лишение (У этой карты нет цвета.)Смертельное касаниеЗаглатывание (Каждый раз, когда это существо наносит боевые повреждения игроку, тот игрок изгоняет верхнюю карту своей библиотеки.): возьмите карту. Каждый оппонент изгоняет верхнюю карту своей библиотеки.
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Illustrated by Clint Cearley
· Battle for Zendikar (BFZ)
Fathom Feeder
#203 · Rare · Russian · Nonfoil/Foil
Legal Formats
Standard |
Pioneer |
Modern |
Legacy |
Vintage |
Commander |
Oathbreaker |
Alchemy |
Explorer |
Historic |
Timeless |
Brawl |
Pauper |
Penny |
Under Construction
2015-08-25 : A card with devoid is just colorless. It’s not colorless and the colors of mana in its mana cost.
2015-08-25 : Cards with devoid use frames that are variations of the transparent frame traditionally used for Eldrazi. The top part of the card features some color over a background based on the texture of the hedrons that once imprisoned the Eldrazi. This coloration is intended to aid deckbuilding and game play.
2015-08-25 : Devoid works in all zones, not just on the battlefield.
2015-08-25 : If a card loses devoid, it will still be colorless. This is because effects that change an object’s color (like the one created by devoid) are considered before the object loses devoid.
2015-08-25 : If the player has no cards in their library when the ingest ability resolves, nothing happens. That player won’t lose the game (until they have to draw a card from an empty library).
2015-08-25 : Other cards and abilities can give a card with devoid color. If that happens, it’s just the new color, not that color and colorless.
2015-08-25 : The card exiled by the ingest ability is exiled face up.
Under Construction