道化の王笏が場に出たとき、プレイヤー1人を対象とし、そのプレイヤーのライブラリーの一番上から5枚のカードを裏向きにゲームから取り除く。 あなたはそれらのカードがゲームから取り除かれた状態にあるかぎり、それらを見てもよい。 , , 道化の王笏によりゲームから取り除かれたカードを1枚オーナーの墓地に置く:呪文1つを対象とする。それがそのカードと同じカード名である場合、それを打ち消す。
Illustrated by Matt Cavotta
· Coldsnap (CSP)
Jester's Scepter
#137 · Rare · Japanese · Nonfoil/Foil
Legal Formats
Standard |
Pioneer |
Modern |
Legacy |
Vintage |
Commander |
Oathbreaker |
Alchemy |
Explorer |
Historic |
Timeless |
Brawl |
Pauper |
Penny |
Under Construction
2006-07-15 : Because the cards that are exiled are not hidden to you, you can choose which one to put into its owner’s graveyard when you activate the second ability.
2006-07-15 : If half of a split card is cast (for example, Hit), and you put one of those split cards into its owner’s graveyard with Jester’s Scepter (for example, Hit/Run), the spell is countered.
2006-07-15 : When Jester’s Scepter’s second ability is activated, any of the exiled cards may be put into its owner’s graveyard, and any spell may be targeted, whether or not the card and the spell have the same name. If they don’t have the same name, the effect does nothing. The spell’s controller and the owner of the card put into a graveyard this way may be different.
2006-07-15 : You can see the cards that are exiled with Jester’s Scepter, but no one else can.
Under Construction