クリーチャー — 昆虫・戦士
到達 宿根 ― クロールの銛撃ちが戦場に出たとき、あなたがコントロールしておらず飛行を持つクリーチャー最大1体を対象とする。ターン終了時まで、クロールの銛撃ちは+X/+0の修整を受ける。Xはあなたの墓地にあるクリーチャー・カードの枚数に等しい。その後、あなたは「クロールの銛撃ちはそのクリーチャーと格闘を行う。」を選んでもよい。
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Illustrated by Kev Walker
· Jumpstart 2022 (J22)
Kraul Harpooner
#683 · Uncommon · Japanese · Nonfoil
Legal Formats
Standard |
Pioneer |
Modern |
Legacy |
Vintage |
Commander |
Oathbreaker |
Alchemy |
Explorer |
Historic |
Timeless |
Brawl |
Pauper |
Penny |
Under Construction
2018-10-05 : Because tokens aren’t cards, they never count for undergrowth abilities.
2018-10-05 : Creature cards with other types, such as artifact creature cards, count for undergrowth abilities.
2018-10-05 : If you choose a target and the target creature is an illegal target when Kraul Harpooner’s ability tries to resolve, the ability doesn’t resolve and Kraul Harpooner doesn’t get +X/+0. If the target creature is legal but Kraul Harpooner is no longer on the battlefield, the target creature won’t deal or be dealt damage.
2018-10-05 : If you don’t choose a target creature, Kraul Harpooner simply gets +X/+0 until end of turn.
2018-10-05 : The value of X is determined only as the undergrowth ability resolves. If the number of creature cards in your graveyard changes later in the turn, Kraul Harpooner is unaffected.
2018-10-05 : You choose the target of the triggered ability (or that it has no target) as it goes on the stack, but you choose whether the creatures fight as that ability resolves.
Under Construction