Erede delle Terre Selvagge
Creatura — Guerriero Umano
Tocco letale Ferocia — Ogniqualvolta l'Erede delle Terre Selvagge attacca, se controlli una creatura con forza pari o superiore a 4, l'Erede delle Terre Selvagge prende +1/+1 fino alla fine del turno.
Nelle caverne sulle cime dei monti di Qal Sisma, i giovani cacciatori vanno alla ricerca degli echi dei loro fieri antenati.
2 / 2
Illustrated by Winona Nelson
· Khans of Tarkir (KTK)
Heir of the Wilds
#134 · Uncommon · Italian · Nonfoil/Foil
Legal Formats
Standard |
Pioneer |
Modern |
Legacy |
Vintage |
Commander |
Oathbreaker |
Alchemy |
Explorer |
Historic |
Timeless |
Brawl |
Pauper |
Penny |
Under Construction
2014-09-20 : Heir of the Wilds has a triggered ferocious ability with an intervening “if” clause. That ability will check if you control a creature with power 4 or greater whenever Heir of the Wilds attacks. If you don’t at that time, the ability won’t trigger at all. If it triggers, the ability will also check if you control a creature with power 4 or greater as it resolves. If you don’t at that time, the ability won’t do anything. Note that the creature with power 4 or greater you control as the ability triggers doesn’t necessarily have to be the same one you control as the ability resolves.
Under Construction