Renaissance phyrexiane
Détruisez toutes les créatures, puis mettez sur le champ de bataille un jeton de créature-artefact X/X incolore Horreur, X étant le nombre de créatures détruites de cette manière.
Tant qu'il subsistera une goutte de pétrole, notre mission de joie continuera.
Illustrated by Scott Chou
· Mirrodin Besieged (MBS)
Phyrexian Rebirth
#15 · Rare · French · Nonfoil/Foil
Legal Formats
Standard |
Pioneer |
Modern |
Legacy |
Vintage |
Commander |
Oathbreaker |
Alchemy |
Explorer |
Historic |
Timeless |
Brawl |
Pauper |
Penny |
Under Construction
2011-06-01 : Any triggered abilities that trigger because a creature was destroyed won't be put onto the stack until after Phyrexian Rebirth finishes resolving. This means the Horror creature token can be targeted by those abilities, if applicable.
2013-07-01 : If a creature regenerates or has indestructible, it won't be counted when determining the value of X.
Under Construction