Artefact : véhicule
Empreinte — Au moment où le Dermotaxi arrive sur le champ de bataille, exilez une carte de créature depuis un cimetière. Engagez deux créatures dégagées que vous contrôlez : Jusqu'à la fin du tour, le Dermotaxi devient une copie de la carte exilée, excepté que c'est un artefact Véhicule en plus de ses autres types.
Illustrated by Mark Zug
· Modern Horizons 2 (MH2)
#378 · Rare · French · Nonfoil/Foil
Legal Formats
Standard |
Pioneer |
Modern |
Legacy |
Vintage |
Commander |
Oathbreaker |
Alchemy |
Explorer |
Historic |
Timeless |
Brawl |
Pauper |
Penny |
Under Construction
2021-06-18 : Dermotaxi does not have a crew ability. Activating the ability to have it become a copy of the exiled card doesn't count as crewing a Vehicle. If a creature you tap to activate the ability has a triggered ability that triggers whenever it crews a Vehicle (such as that of Gearshift Ace), that ability won't trigger.
2021-06-18 : If you activate the ability, but there's no exiled card to reference (perhaps because there wasn't one in any graveyard to imprint), the ability does nothing. Dermotaxi won't become a copy of anything.
2021-06-18 : The choice of what card is exiled is a replacement effect, not a triggered ability. Players can't respond to the card being exiled.
2021-06-18 : The imprint ability is linked to the activated ability that makes Dermotaxi a creature. This means that the second ability refers only to the card exiled by the first, even if it becomes a copy of something that later exiles other cards.
Under Construction