Plasma Primordiale
Creatura — Polimorfo Elementale
Mentre il Plasma Primordiale entra nel campo di battaglia, a tua scelta diventa una creatura 3/3, una creatura 2/2 con volare oppure una creatura 1/6 con difensore.
Tocasia spazzò via ingranaggi e rotelle dalla tavola. Poi, davanti agli occhi spalancati dei due fratelli, cominciò una lezione sulla grezza magia elementale.
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Illustrated by Luca Zontini
· Planechase 2012 (PC2)
Primal Plasma
#23 · Common · Italian · Nonfoil
Legal Formats
Standard |
Pioneer |
Modern |
Legacy |
Vintage |
Commander |
Oathbreaker |
Alchemy |
Explorer |
Historic |
Timeless |
Brawl |
Pauper |
Penny |
Under Construction
2021-03-19 : If an object enters the battlefield as a copy of Primal Plasma, it copies the values determined by its enters-the-battlefield replacement effect, but its power and toughness are determined by the copy’s own enters-the-battlefield replacement effect. This can cause you to have a 3/3 creature with flying, or a 1/6 creature with flying and defender, for example.
2021-03-19 : If an object on the battlefield becomes a copy of Primal Plasma, it copies the values determined by its enters-the-battlefield replacement effect.
2021-03-19 : While not on the battlefield, Primal Plasma is a 0/0 creature card. It doesn’t have flying or defender.
Under Construction