侵染 (此生物會以-1/-1指示物的方式對生物造成傷害,並以中毒指示物的方式對玩家造成傷害。) 由你操控且具侵染異能的其他生物得+1/+1。 每當你施放具侵染異能的生物咒語時,目標玩家得到一個中毒指示物。
3 / 2
Illustrated by Izzy
· Scars of Mirrodin (SOM)
Hand of the Praetors
#66 · Rare · Traditional Chinese · Nonfoil/Foil
Legal Formats
Standard |
Pioneer |
Modern |
Legacy |
Vintage |
Commander |
Oathbreaker |
Alchemy |
Explorer |
Historic |
Timeless |
Brawl |
Pauper |
Penny |
Under Construction
2011-01-01 : A player who has ten or more poison counters loses the game. This is a state-based action.
2011-01-01 : Damage from a source with infect affects planeswalkers normally.
2011-01-01 : Damage from a source with infect is damage in all respects. If the source with infect also has lifelink, damage dealt by that source also causes its controller to gain that much life. Damage from a source with infect can be prevented or redirected. Abilities that trigger on damage being dealt will trigger if a source with infect deals damage, if appropriate.
2011-01-01 : If damage from a source with infect that would be dealt to a player is prevented, that player doesn’t get poison counters. If damage from a source with infect that would be dealt to a creature is prevented, that creature doesn’t get -1/-1 counters.
2011-01-01 : Infect’s effect applies to any damage, not just combat damage.
2011-01-01 : The -1/-1 counters remain on the creature indefinitely. They’re not removed if the creature regenerates or the turn ends.
2011-01-01 : The last ability triggers only if Hand of the Praetors is already on the battlefield at the time you cast a creature spell with infect. Casting Hand of the Praetors itself will not cause its own last ability to trigger.
2011-01-01 : Whenever you cast a creature spell with infect, Hand of the Praetors’s last ability triggers and goes on the stack on top of it. It will resolve before the creature spell does.
Under Construction