Ventana entablada
Las criaturas que te están atacando obtienen -1/-0. Al comienzo de cada paso final, si recibiste 4 o más puntos de daño este turno, exilia la Ventana entablada.
"Unos buenos clavos para dormir estupendamente". —Cosper Lowe de la Guardia de Silbern
Illustrated by Zoltan Boros
· Innistrad: Crimson Vow (VOW)
Boarded Window
#253 · Uncommon · Spanish · Nonfoil/Foil
Legal Formats
Standard |
Pioneer |
Modern |
Legacy |
Vintage |
Commander |
Oathbreaker |
Alchemy |
Explorer |
Historic |
Timeless |
Brawl |
Pauper |
Penny |
Under Construction
2021-11-19 : Boarded Window's triggered ability checks the total amount of damage dealt to you during the turn. That damage needn't have been dealt all at once, and Boarded Window needn't have been on the battlefield at the time the damage was dealt. Boarded Window doesn't take into account any life that you gained this turn.
Under Construction