伝説のクリーチャー — 人間・邪術師
あなたがコントロールしているクリーチャーの起動型能力を起動するためのコストは少なくなる。Xは穢れの大釜、アガサのパワーに等しい。この効果は、そのコストに含まれるマナの点数を1点未満に減らせない。 :ターン終了時まで、あなたがコントロールしていてこれでないすべてのクリーチャーは+1/+1の修整を受けトランプルと速攻を得る。
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Illustrated by Jason A. Engle
· Wilds of Eldraine (WOE)
Agatha of the Vile Cauldron
#199 · Mythic · Japanese · Nonfoil/Foil
Legal Formats
Standard |
Pioneer |
Modern |
Legacy |
Vintage |
Commander |
Oathbreaker |
Alchemy |
Explorer |
Historic |
Timeless |
Brawl |
Pauper |
Penny |
Under Construction
2023-09-01 : Activated abilities contain a colon. They're generally written "[Cost]: [Effect]." Some keyword abilities are activated abilities and will have colons in their reminder text. Triggered abilities (starting with "when," "whenever," or "at") are unaffected by the cost reduction ability of Agatha of the Vile Cauldron.
2023-09-01 : Agatha of the Vile Cauldron's first ability affects only abilities of creatures you control on the battlefield. The costs of activated abilities of creature cards that work in other zones (such as cycling) won't be reduced.
Under Construction