DVD / Duel Deck

Duel Decks Anthology: Divine vs. Demonic

Akroma, Angel of Wrath Icatian Priest Angelic Page Charging Paladin Venerable Monk Angelic Protector Serra Advocate Sustainer of the Realm Angel of Mercy Serra Angel Twilight Shepherd Luminous Angel Reya Dawnbringer Healing Salve Angelsong Otherworldly Journey Pacifism Serra's Boon Angelic Benediction Faith's Fetters Serra's Embrace Righteous Cause Angel's Feather Marble Diamond Secluded Steppe Plains Plains Plains Plains Lord of the Pit Abyssal Gatekeeper Foul Imp Daggerclaw Imp Dusk Imp Overeager Apprentice Stinkweed Imp Soot Imp Demon's Jester Souldrinker Abyssal Specter Cackling Imp Fallen Angel Reiver Demon Kuro, Pitlord Dark Ritual Duress Unholy Strength Cruel Edict Demonic Tutor Dark Banishing Oni Possession Barter in Blood Breeding Pit Promise of Power Corrupt Consume Spirit Demon's Horn Barren Moor Swamp Swamp Swamp Swamp