RNA / Expansion

Ravnica Allegiance

Angel of Grace Angelic Exaltation Archway Angel Arrester's Zeal Bring to Trial Civic Stalwart Concordia Pegasus Expose to Daylight Forbidding Spirit Haazda Officer Hero of Precinct One Impassioned Orator Justiciar's Portal Knight of Sorrows Lumbering Battlement Ministrant of Obligation Prowling Caracal Rally to Battle Resolute Watchdog Sentinel's Mark Sky Tether Smothering Tithe Spirit of the Spires Summary Judgment Syndicate Messenger Tenth District Veteran Tithe Taker Twilight Panther Unbreakable Formation Watchful Giant Arrester's Admonition Benthic Biomancer Chillbringer Clear the Mind Code of Constraint Coral Commando Essence Capture Eyes Everywhere Faerie Duelist Gateway Sneak Humongulus Mass Manipulation Mesmerizing Benthid Persistent Petitioners Precognitive Perception Prying Eyes Pteramander Quench Sage's Row Savant Senate Courier Shimmer of Possibility Skatewing Spy Skitter Eel Slimebind Sphinx of Foresight Swirling Torrent Thought Collapse Verity Circle Wall of Lost Thoughts Windstorm Drake Awaken the Erstwhile Bankrupt in Blood Blade Juggler Bladebrand Bloodmist Infiltrator Carrion Imp Catacomb Crocodile Clear the Stage Consign to the Pit Cry of the Carnarium Dead Revels Debtors' Transport Drill Bit Font of Agonies Grotesque Demise Gutterbones Ill-Gotten Inheritance Noxious Groodion Orzhov Enforcer Orzhov Racketeers Pestilent Spirit Plague Wight Priest of Forgotten Gods Rakdos Trumpeter Spawn of Mayhem Spire Mangler Thirsting Shade Undercity Scavenger Undercity's Embrace Vindictive Vampire Act of Treason Amplifire Burn Bright Burning-Tree Vandal Cavalcade of Calamity Clamor Shaman Dagger Caster Deface Electrodominance Feral Maaka Flames of the Raze-Boar Gates Ablaze Ghor-Clan Wrecker Goblin Gathering Gravel-Hide Goblin Immolation Shaman Light Up the Stage Mirror March Rix Maadi Reveler Rubble Reading Rubblebelt Recluse Rumbling Ruin Scorchmark Skarrgan Hellkite Skewer the Critics Smelt-Ward Ignus Spear Spewer Spikewheel Acrobat Storm Strike Tin Street Dodger Axebane Beast Biogenic Ooze Biogenic Upgrade End-Raze Forerunners Enraged Ceratok Gatebreaker Ram Gift of Strength Growth-Chamber Guardian Gruul Beastmaster Guardian Project Incubation Druid Mammoth Spider Open the Gates Rampage of the Clans Rampaging Rendhorn Regenesis Root Snare Sagittars' Volley Saruli Caretaker Sauroform Hybrid Silhana Wayfinder Steeple Creeper Stony Strength Sylvan Brushstrider Territorial Boar Titanic Brawl Tower Defense Trollbred Guardian Wilderness Reclamation Wrecking Beast Absorb Aeromunculus Applied Biomancy Azorius Knight-Arbiter Azorius Skyguard Basilica Bell-Haunt Bedevil Biomancer's Familiar Bolrac-Clan Crusher Captive Audience Cindervines Clan Guildmage Combine Guildmage Cult Guildmage Deputy of Detention Domri, Chaos Bringer Dovin, Grand Arbiter Dovin's Acuity Emergency Powers Ethereal Absolution Final Payment Fireblade Artist Frenzied Arynx Frilled Mystic Galloping Lizrog Get the Point Grasping Thrull Growth Spiral Gruul Spellbreaker Gyre Engineer Hackrobat High Alert Hydroid Krasis Imperious Oligarch Judith, the Scourge Diva Kaya, Orzhov Usurper Kaya's Wrath Knight of the Last Breath Lavinia, Azorius Renegade Lawmage's Binding Macabre Mockery Mortify Nikya of the Old Ways Pitiless Pontiff Prime Speaker Vannifar Rafter Demon Rakdos Firewheeler Rakdos Roustabout Rakdos, the Showstopper Ravager Wurm Rhythm of the Wild Rubblebelt Runner Savage Smash Senate Guildmage Seraph of the Scales Sharktocrab Simic Ascendancy Sphinx of New Prahv Sphinx's Insight Sunder Shaman Syndicate Guildmage Teysa Karlov Theater of Horrors Zegana, Utopian Speaker Zhur-Taa Goblin Footlight Fiend Rubble Slinger Scuttlegator Senate Griffin Vizkopa Vampire Bedeck • Bedazzle Carnival • Carnage Collision • Colossus Consecrate • Consume Depose • Deploy Incubation • Incongruity Repudiate • Replicate Revival • Revenge Thrash • Threat Warrant • Warden Azorius Locket Gate Colossus Glass of the Guildpact Gruul Locket Junktroller Orzhov Locket Rakdos Locket Scrabbling Claws Screaming Shield Simic Locket Sphinx of the Guildpact Tome of the Guildpact Azorius Guildgate Azorius Guildgate Blood Crypt Breeding Pool Gateway Plaza Godless Shrine Gruul Guildgate Gruul Guildgate Hallowed Fountain Orzhov Guildgate Orzhov Guildgate Plaza of Harmony Rakdos Guildgate Rakdos Guildgate Simic Guildgate Simic Guildgate Stomping Ground The Haunt of Hightower