Vizier of Many Faces

Vizier of Many Faces

Visir de muchos rostros

Criatura — Clérigo metamorfo

Puedes hacer que la Visir de muchos rostros entre al campo de batalla como una copia de cualquier criatura en el campo de batalla, excepto que, si la Visir de muchos rostros fue embalsamada, la ficha no tiene coste de maná, es blanca y es un Zombie además de sus otros tipos. Embalsamar .

Illustrated by Ryan Yee

· Amonkhet (AKH)

Vizier of Many Faces

#74 · Rare · Spanish · Nonfoil/Foil

Legal Formats



Under Construction



2017-04-18 : Any enters-the-battlefield abilities of the copied creature will trigger when Vizier of Many Faces enters the battlefield. Any “as [this creature] enters the battlefield” or “[this creature] enters the battlefield with” abilities of the chosen creature will also work.

2017-04-18 : For each card with embalm, a corresponding game play supplement token can be found in some Amonkhet booster packs. These supplements are not required to play with cards with embalm; you can use the same items to represent an embalmed token as you would any other token.

2017-04-18 : If Vizier of Many Faces somehow enters the battlefield at the same time as another creature, Vizier of Many Faces can’t become a copy of that creature. You may choose only a creature that’s already on the battlefield.

2017-04-18 : If the card copied by the token had any “when [this permanent] enters the battlefield” abilities, then the token also has those abilities and will trigger them when it’s created. Similarly, any “as [this permanent] enters the battlefield” or “[this permanent] enters the battlefield with” abilities that the token has copied will also work.

2017-04-18 : If the chosen creature has {X} in its mana cost, X is considered to be 0.

2017-04-18 : If the chosen creature is a token, Vizier of Many Faces copies the original characteristics of that token as stated by the effect that created the token. Vizier of Many Faces is not a token in this case unless it’s embalmed.

2017-04-18 : If the chosen creature is copying something else (for example, if the chosen creature is another Vizier of Many Faces), then Vizier of Many Faces enters the battlefield as whatever the chosen creature copied.

2017-04-18 : The characteristics Vizier of Many Faces gains as part of its copy effect are copiable values that other effects may copy.

2017-04-18 : The token copies exactly what was printed on the original card and nothing else. It doesn’t copy any information about the object the card was before it was put into your graveyard.

2017-04-18 : The token is a Zombie in addition to its other types and is white instead of its other colors. It has no mana cost, and thus its converted mana cost is 0. These are copiable values of the token that other effects may copy.

2017-04-18 : Vizier of Many Faces copies exactly what was printed on the original creature (unless that creature is copying something else or is a token; see below). It doesn’t copy whether that creature is tapped or untapped, whether it has any counters on it or Auras attached to it, or any non-copy effects that have changed its power, toughness, types, color, or so on.

2017-07-14 : If a spell or ability puts a creature card with embalm into your graveyard during your main phase, you’ll have priority immediately after that spell or ability resolves. You can activate the creature card’s embalm ability before any player can exile it with an effect, such as that of Crook of Condemnation, if it’s legal for you to do so.

2017-07-14 : Once you’ve activated an embalm ability, the card is immediately exiled. Opponents can’t try to stop the ability by exiling the card with an effect such as that of Crook of Condemnatnion.


Under Construction