JUD / Expansion


Ancestor's Chosen Aven Warcraft Battle Screech Battlewise Aven Benevolent Bodyguard Border Patrol Cagemail Chastise Commander Eesha Funeral Pyre Glory Golden Wish Guided Strike Lead Astray Nomad Mythmaker Phantom Flock Phantom Nomad Prismatic Strands Pulsemage Advocate Ray of Revelation Selfless Exorcist Shieldmage Advocate Silver Seraph Solitary Confinement Soulcatchers' Aerie Spirit Cairn Spurnmage Advocate Suntail Hawk Test of Endurance Trained Pronghorn Unquestioned Authority Valor Vigilant Sentry Aven Fogbringer Cephalid Constable Cephalid Inkshrouder Cunning Wish Defy Gravity Envelop Flash of Insight Grip of Amnesia Hapless Researcher Keep Watch Laquatus's Disdain Lost in Thought Mental Note Mirror Wall Mist of Stagnation Quiet Speculation Scalpelexis Spelljack Telekinetic Bonds Web of Inertia Wonder Wormfang Behemoth Wormfang Crab Wormfang Drake Wormfang Manta Wormfang Newt Wormfang Turtle Balthor the Defiled Cabal Therapy Cabal Trainee Death Wish Earsplitting Rats Filth Grave Consequences Guiltfeeder Masked Gorgon Morality Shift Rats' Feast Stitch Together Sutured Ghoul Toxic Stench Treacherous Vampire Treacherous Werewolf Anger Arcane Teachings Barbarian Bully Book Burning Breaking Point Browbeat Burning Wish Dwarven Bloodboiler Dwarven Driller Dwarven Scorcher Ember Shot Firecat Blitz Flaring Pain Fledgling Dragon Goretusk Firebeast Infectious Rage Jeska, Warrior Adept Lava Dart Liberated Dwarf Lightning Surge Planar Chaos Shaman's Trance Soulgorger Orgg Spellgorger Barbarian Swelter Swirling Sandstorm Worldgorger Dragon Anurid Barkripper Anurid Swarmsnapper Battlefield Scrounger Brawn Canopy Claws Centaur Rootcaster Crush of Wurms Elephant Guide Epic Struggle Erhnam Djinn Exoskeletal Armor Folk Medicine Forcemage Advocate Genesis Giant Warthog Grizzly Fate Harvester Druid Ironshell Beetle Krosan Reclamation Krosan Wayfarer Living Wish Nantuko Tracer Nullmage Advocate Phantom Centaur Phantom Nantuko Phantom Tiger Seedtime Serene Sunset Sudden Strength Sylvan Safekeeper Thriss, Nantuko Primus Tunneler Wurm Venomous Vines Anurid Brushhopper Hunting Grounds Mirari's Wake Phantom Nishoba Krosan Verge Nantuko Monastery Riftstone Portal